Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Series of Fortunate Events

     Greetings! I have multiple bits of information  which I am going to try to list chronologically.
     Firstly, we have a bunch of calves that I have not yet told you about! Squeaky had a girl named Princess, Charity had a boy named Dragon Dancer, Connie had a boy named Mortimer Mushroom, Cassandra had a boy named Po, and Maggie had a boy named Thai Lung. (From Kung Fu Panda, to those whom that interests.)
     Secondly, we worked cows! I'm going to give you a short or not-so-short run through. It depends on how much of it I remember. The first thing we did to work cows was to feed the cows up in the big pen right next to the corrals, and then close the gates. Then we did the rest of the chores while they munched away. Next we herded them all into the small pen right next to the corrals. It has a bit of a funnel so that makes it easier to transfer cows from it into the corrals. Then, we herded 'em into the corrals! End of step one. Step two was sorting. With two on the inside, one on the outside, and one on the gate, it went pretty well. We sorted all the calves off into one of the corral pens and then we waited for Farmer to get all the cow-working supplies ready. (This made a good break to get into the calves' pen and pet them!!!) Step three was working the cows. We'd run a few cows up into the holding pen connected to the lane and shoo them up into the lane itself. Then we block of the exit and Farmer gives them all a shot for diseases they're prone to get after calving and pours on a liquid to de-worm and de-lice them and all that stuff. Then, we're on to step four: lunch break! xD Step five was working the calves- the best part! We ran about six of the into the holding pen and one by one ran them up the lane into the squeeze-chute. Although the people who did the job varied, there were four basic jobs. One person pushes the calf up the lane, one person holds the squeeze-chute's tailgate open, one person runs the head catcher, and on person gives the shots. Farmer gave all the shots. The first shot was for blackleg and pinkeye, the second show was for pneumonia and such. We ran all the calves through the chute and back into a different pen. After they all were vaccinated, we herded them into the pen with their mothers and let them back into their normal pasture!
     Whew! *deep breath* And thirdly, after that, Dark Chocolate and Kate calved! Dark Chocolate had a boy and Kate a girl, neither of which are named yet.
     Aaaaaaaaand..... lastly, I've been doing a few things on GooglePlus such as introducing our animals. If you view my profile at the bottom of the page, there is a link to our GooglePlus there.
     And now, I bid you-farewell!

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