Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Gust of Good News

The new bull
     The wind has come on in full force today, and brought a bull with it!
     Okay, that isn't quite true. The bull was driven here in a trailer, but nevertheless he is here! We purchased him to replace Mario who was getting to be rather elderly. He is just a year old so he's still small and doesn't have the big muscular neck yet. No name has been decided on, but I'll keep you posted! (Haha, get it?)
Milking le cow
     To step back in time for a moment, last night we welcomed a new calf! One of our cows, Kate, was taking a noticeably long time to calve. We thought we might need to pull her calf so we ran her up in the corrals. To our relief she got it out by herself, a chunk of a guy named Davie.
E.T. Brute
Jasmine's calf and Lovely
     My last bit of news pertains to our cow Squeaky. Her bag was swollen up with so much milk that her calf couldn't nurse. This morning we milked her until it was a size her calf could manage. The milk will be put in the freezer in case we have an orphaned calf. That way we can give it some real milk instead of powdered milk replacer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Oswald and Alice and E.T. Oh my!

Absolutely Alice
Jasmine and calf!

E.T. Brute
Lego's calf
Squeaky and calf
     This just in! We have a new red calf! *loud cheering* It's a boy, who is of yet, still unnamed. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
     First, Lego had a boy who is just adorable! Heidi also had a boy who is named Oswald. Natalie had a girl, who is technically unnamed, but I'm calling her Brownie until she is. Squeaky had a girl also, and then Jasmine had the li'l red guy!
     I also have a bit of sad news. Dark Chocolate's calf, 480, died on the 21st. We don't know why; sometimes they just don't make it. When this happens we generally reuse their identification numbers, so 480 was assigned to Natalie's calf.
     And now a naming update! Erica's calf was named E.T. Brute because he was born on the Ides of March. Abigail's calf was named Kinza from Patricia St. John's Star of Light. Lastly, Lena's calf was named... Absolutely Alice! (To be said with a lisp and British accent) ;)
     Oh! I almost forgot! We've had some success in our bovinical public relations. A few days ago, FarmBoy and I went out to the shed. We like to try and sneak in to watch all the calves snooze. Plus, sometimes they come over and sniff us, which is the best thing ever! Their cuteness is just so.. cute! Well, Psyche decided to take it to a new level. She came over and sniffed FarmBoy and then started chewing on his shoes! It was pretty adorable. C:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

     We have three more calves! Already! :D
     Also, we finally put straw down in the calves' shed.
MotherGenderCalfCalf ID#
High RhulainFemaleSarobando486
Emily's calf
Cinderella's calf
Bard in the shed

Calves Galore!

Bard the Bowman!
     Here is your cattle up date! We have quite a few unnamed because they started coming very fast and we couldn't keep up. ;) As for the reason behind some of the names, Daguerreo is named after the daguerreotype, a photographing style from the 1800's. Psyche is named after a charachter from the greek myths because she rode the wind and it's been pretty windy out here lately. Maewyn Succat was St. Patrick's original name. :D By the way, the calves are listed in order of age.

MotherGenderCalfCalf ID#
HenryMaleFranz Lishp51
CassandraMaleKJ 5353
Dark ChocolateFemaleUnnamed480
CharityMaleBard the Bowman54
ConnieMaleMaewyn Succat57
Eep photobombing C:

KJ 53
Maewyn Succat

Abigail's calf
Dark Chocolate's calf


Monday, March 17, 2014

The Ides of March (plus two)

     Happy St. Patrick's day! To celebrate this occasion, here is great telling of the story of St. Patrick.  

    We do have new calves, but I sha'nt post about them until tomorrow when I have pictures. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Hereford Calf!!!!!

     Our first red calf is here!!! :O Huzzah! She was born yesterday at noonish to Amanda Evora. As you can see by the pictures, she's absolutely adorable! We named her Eep because we had watched the Croods recently and that was the sound we made when we saw her. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Update an pictures :D

478 Unnamed
     We're up to six calves! Her is a handy-dandy list of names and such. :D

Mother Gender Calf Calf ID#
Henry Male Franz Lishp 51
Sherrill Male Unnamed 52
Whatever Female Elsa 476
Cassandra Male KJ 53 53
Eve Female Unnamed 477
Rosie Female Unnamed 478

Cassandra and KJ 53
Franz Lishp
477 Unnamed
52 Unnamed

Friday, March 7, 2014

The good, the bad, and the fantastic.

Franz Lishp
     I have two good newses and one bad, as indicated my my post title.
     The bad is that Hope lost her ear tag. Fairly minor, but still regrettable as it's kind of her trademark.
     The good news is that I finally got a picture of Franz Lishp! :D
     And the fantastic news.... Sherrill calved!!!!!! She had an all black boy who is of now unnamed.

Sherrill and her bubby :D

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Franz Lishp

     You had probably deduced this already, but Henry's calf is here! I was procrastinating this post because I wanted to have a photo, but I decided to get it done.
     She gave birth to and all black boy on the first of March. He has been titled Franz Lishp in honor of the composer of Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 and lisps!
     In other less interesting news, we had an 'Ancient Egyptian' meal. It turned out yummy so I though I'd share the recipes for pita bread and Tiger Nut Sweets.
     That's really all that had happened here, so I will end this post. As soon as I have a picture of Franz I will post it! :D

Saturday, March 1, 2014


     This just in! Henry is calving! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!