Jack Sparrow's first day here |
Wheat field |
Yeah... I am not too good at the whole 'writing faithfully' part. But I shall attempt to bring you up to date!
Firstly, we did get that bucket calf! (I personally cannot see how human existence has carried on without knowledge of him, but apparently it has) His name is Jack Sparrow, and he is one of the most fantastical buckies to ever live. Period.
Hope, the cute cow |
Marty and Missy |
Secondly, wheat harvest has come and gone. It was... honestly I can't remember much of it. Oh dear. =P
Jack and Jackanals |
An Olaf snowman |
Thirdly, we have acquired a new dog! My oldest sister and her family moved away, but they couldn't take their dog with them. So please welcome Marty! Also, if you'd keep them in your prayers, that'd be a huge blessing. =) In the picture on the left, Marty is the brown one, Missy is the black one. And they're playing, not attempting to murder each other. ;)
Fifthly, FarmBoy and I made some candles. But failed to get a good picture. Anywho, it's a really fun project to try!
Sixthly. some cute cow pictures. C= The Jackanals thing is a take of of Bacchus and his Bacchanals from Greek mythology.
That's really all the news to share. We've had a bit of snow, and we just brought the cows home from milo stalks. Other than that... life is just goin'. I missed all the big holidays so I didn't get to wish my nonexistant readers a good one, so I'll have to settle for this: I have been blessed beyond measure the last year and I pray that you and yours may be equally blessed in the coming year!
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