Meriwether |
Forty four five |
Okay, for a learning experience, I am going to write my post twice. Once, in an attempt at Spanish, and once in English. Here goes!
Jemima's calf |
Cherish and Limerick |
Tenemos seis nuevo terneros! Primero, Jemima parido y tenia un nina, tambien lo hizo Cenicienta. Cenicienta's ternero es llama Rapunzel. Luego, Abrigar una esperanza parido y tenia un nino llama Limerick. En sabado, Jasmine y Amanda parido con un nino y un nina. La nina es llama Nefertiti. Ayer, Joann tenido un nino llama lindo. Y ahora, el fotos!
(Sorry about when it said child. It was s'posed to say boy. :p)
We have six new calves! First, Jemima calved and had a girl, as did Cinderella. Cinderella's calf is named Rapunzel. Later, Cherish calved and had a boy named Limerick. On Saturday, Jasmine and Amanda calved and had a boy and a girl. The girl is named Nefertiti. Yesterday, Joann had a boy named Cute. And now, the photos! (Oh! A couple new names-Rosemary's calf is Forty four-five, Erica's is Omicron, Jeanie's is Count Zenzindorf, Sal's is Felix, Emily's is μμ (mu mu in Greek), and Sherrill's is Paonia. *deep breath*)
Playin'! |