I have three happy news-es. (Four if you count those pictures of Tarquin) First is that we are looking for a new bull. We recently visited a breeder of Herefords and saw some of his
adorable bulls. And obviously took photos. We're thinking about two two year-old bulls, '47 and '13, and a yearling which I cannot remember the number of. My personal favorite was '30. He came up and licked my hand. I just about died. (Out of joy, not danger) I apologize about the small number of photos but the camera died. =P The second part is it snowed! Or rather, is snowing! We have drifts that come up to my waist! It's expected to continue to snow until late tomorrow, and I am super happy.
And my last bit of news. The first calf of the year is here!! Bluebell! :D Born to Rubie she is about 6 hours old and resting comfy in the barn where we herded her out of the snow.
That about sums it up! Farewell for now!
Ruby and Bluebell |
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