Wednesday, May 9, 2012 never know!

     I should have posted about this earlier, but I was busy writing about Tarquin. Yesterday Benito got out. He hopped the fence and went across the road and into the cows' pen, which is not a good thing, because they could get pregnant right now, and we do not breed them until June.
Going into the corrals
     Anyway, Farmer noticed he was out and called Farm Boy and I to help him. Farm Boy drove the pickup and I rode in back to lure them with alfalfa. Farmer rode behind the cows on Bingo to make sure they followed. We led them to the corrals
and sorted Benito off and into the trailer. We then moved him back across the road into his proper pen.
Calling across the road to Mario
     Later, when Farmer was outside working, he heard some branches breaking. He looked to see what it was, and saw that now BOTH bulls were out! He quickly jumped in his pickup to head them off, and had chased them across a field or two before he manged to do so. He discovered if he got Benito heading the correct direction, Mario would follow in suit.
     He  got them back to our mailbox and then found himself faced with a dilemma. He could not get out of his pickup to open the gate for fear the bulls would leave while he was doing so. Therefore, he yelled as loud as possible for Farm Boy and I.
     Thankfully, Farm Boy was upstairs at the time and heard him. He opened the gate, and that was that!
     Mario is back in his pen, and Benito is in the corrals until he gives up 'calling' on the ladies. So everything is back to normal...except when Benito ran into the pickup, he did leave a rather large dent!

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