Why haven't I posted!!!!! Sadly, I believe there is no answer to that question that would justify such a long pause. Thusly, I would like to plead temporary insanity and ask for a sentence of posting once a week for three weeks. All in favor? Keep reading! All against? Close the tab!
Rippin' off shingles |
That said, I probably now have no readers, but hey, I'll write anyway.
Moo-ving cows! |
In the *shudder* 7 months since I have posted, lots of things have happened, first of which was the backpacking trip we took with our church. What an amazing adventure (and test of stamina for me)! Also, we re-shingled. That took a LONG time... Then, we moved our cows across the road. Anticlimactic, but fun! :) Then... Christmas!!!!! After Christmas, both Farm Boy and I (Farm Girl) had braces put on. And, last but not least, today we gave the cows some shots, which involved moving Tarquin, our foal, thusly we got some good pictures. =D
Well. That was part I of III of my sentence. Part 2 coming next week!
Tarquin! |