Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jamison's Bull Sale

A Two-Year Old
A Yearling

     On Friday, we went to Jamison's Bull Sale. This was the first time I had gone, so I was very excited.
Curly Top
     On the way over we looked at the catalog, circling the bulls we thought looked like good prospects. One bull, lot 1602 (on page 10), looked remarkable.If you look at his statistics you will see his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.
Too Cute!
     Beneath that, there is a gray bar with the information I pay the most attention to. After the BW, which stands for birth weight, you will see a number showing how many pounds larger than average the calf should be. I like to look for small numbers, under two.
     After that is a WW, meaning weaning weight. It is how much more over average their weight was when they are weaned. We like a larger number, but not too large. Around 40.
     Then you see YW. It stands for yearling weight, their weight when a yearling. 70-80 would be ideal.
     Milk means how much milk they produce. They need to produce enough milk for their calf, but if the produce too much milk it can cause problems.
     I'm not sure what M&G means, we don't use it when looking at bulls.
Two Cute Horses
     On the way home, we saw some Hereford cows and even calves!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

To Market, To Market


     Today Farmer took two cows to sell, Genesis and Mandie. Genesis, we presume miscarried. Mandie, we noticed was in heat, something cows do when they aren't pregnant.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Dogs

Our Old Dog Sadie

Our Current Dog Missy


As a puppy

Playing with her sister Annie
She loves bathing in her water dish
Innocent bystanders
All grown up

For the Birds

Amy and Tippo


About 1 month old


Prince Caspian

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Some Cat Photos







Ten 'O Clock

 I'll post more tomorrow, but right now, bed is calling!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What to Write...

     Hello there! Things are slow around here so we thought we'd ask our readers a question. What should we write about? God? Animals? What it's like to live on a farm? We'll post a poll with those three topics at the bottom of the page but if you have another topic you'd like to hear about, please contact us at lazytsranch@yahoo.com.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Some Pictures

Little Bobbie
     For all you cow-lovers, here's a few pictures to tide you over.
Little Bobbie 
Some Cows

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back! (From outer space)

CT scan of Farm Boy (See? It's empty!) 
     I'm back! Actually there are two of us writing this blog, but it was easier to refer to us as Farm Kid. We'll now refer to ourselves as Farm Boy and Farm Girl. We haven't written in a while, as you've probably noticed,due to a concussion and skull fracture for Farm Boy and also general business with life.

 In June we began harvesting the wheat.
     Some time, (I'm not sure when) we were given another horse.  :) She is a chestnut, her name is Comet and in May we bred her! 
Farm Girl and Comet
     In December Farm Girl shot  her first deer, an eight point buck!
Farm Girl's Deer
     Today, we moved the cows home, in preparation for calving season!