Sorry I haven't written for a while but since not a lot has happened, I'll tell you about Homer.
Agnes |
Lentil |
Early in the morning, on the 19th of March the the Farmer went out to make his regular check of the cattle. Behind the shed he found that Agnes had calved. There was another new calf nearby so the Farmer wondered if a cow had calved and then left her calf alone, but after he had walked through all the cattle he found that no other cows had calved that morning which left only one explanation. Agnes had had twins! The Farmer and Farm Kid herded Agnes and the twins into a smaller pen by themselves.
Homer and Mandie |
Homer as a bucket-calf |
Agnes readily accepted Lentil, the younger one, but she would have nothing to do with the older, Homer. Since Agnes couldn't raise two calves the job fell to Farm Kid, who would bottle feed Homer every day. Homer learned to bottle-feed easily, and soon the Farm Kid had him halter-trained. Then, on the 8th of April, Mandie calved, but the calf didn't live, so the Farmer decided to adopt Homer onto Mandie. At first Mandie loved Homer but Homer wouldn't nurse. Then when we finally got Homer to nurse, Mandie began kicking him away from her. Now, Mandie and Homer are finally happy though. They have both accepted each other, so I guess this is happy ever after.
The End